Oh Princess i loved stroking last night with you counting down. My little clitty has never been harder. I was so embarrassed that i couldn’t perform under pressure for you though. Im such a pethetic loser i couldn’t even cum. I went back to the drug store and asked the girl out as you instructed. Surprise surprise she said NO! She said she doesn’t go out with pindick weirdos. So humiliating. I offered to show her my weenie and she told me to fuck off. On the bright side i went out panty shopping and got some new sexy thongs to wear for you Princess. I look like a hot little slut when i get all dressed up for you. I haven’t cum in ages i hope tonight i can cum for you Princess. I hope you love the humiliating assignments as much as i do. Please give me some more. Chat Soon xxoo
Mandy Malone wrote:
Again you are making me laugh my ass off. I can’t believe she said NO! How dare that slut. I want to go give her a piece of my mind! LOL, Not! LOL.
I love that you offered to show her your clitty, and she told you to FUCK OFF! Wow, she did not even want to see it.
Ok, here is what you do, I want you to go in, and tell her, you wanted to show it to her so she can measure it for you, and hand her a tape measure. Better yet, wrap one up like a present and give her the box!
I love humiliating myself for you Princess. I hope you find it entertaining. My tiny cock gets so hard when i feel completely embarrassed. When we chat and your humiliating me i can barely contain my ejaculation. I blush while i touch my little weenie for you. I love you controlling my tiny cock and counting me down while i wank. I get so exited my baby boner twiches. I went back and saw my girl at the drug store as you instructed she didn’t look happy to see me. I told her that you made me come here and have my penis measured. She said i was a pethetic freak and told me to fuck off. She said she would never touch my disgusting little dick. I felt like such a loser when i left. I guess i need to be reminded that i am a loser by some one other than you occasionally though Princess. Can’t wait to wank and be humiliated by you again. I’ll be happy to do any assingments you have for me. Talk soon
Mandy Malone wrote:
Dear Teenie Weenie Tony:
I am laughing my ass off again, you have such a way with words, I think that that girl at the drugstore is a drip. I mean, why can’t she join in and make me laugh more? Do you think she needs to be paid to look at your cock? Or take pictures, or have her friends do it? Maybe you could call and ask her if she has some friends, Better yet, should we start over at a new drugstore?
Can you go pick up some tampons also? I think a new drugstore maybe, they have some itty bitty condoms…
I love when you make me Laugh. OMG! So, I will be around tonight! I need a few more chuckles..
Mandy xoxoox’s
tw tony wrote:
Hi Princess im glad i can make you laugh. That’s all im good for with this teenie little weenie between my legs. I went back to the drugstore for you Princess. My girl looked so pissed when she saw me. But i was able to convince her to measure my penis. I offered her $500 if her and her friends would measure my dick and take photos. I haven’t set up a date to do it yet though. Im a bit worried Princess not sure i should go ahead with it. What do you think? Can’t wait to play with you again. It’s been a while since we’ve had a good session. I would love it if you thought of some really embarrassing things to do to me when we next chat. Thank you talk soon.
Mandy Malone wrote:
Dear Tony:
I do not know how you manage to do this, BUT YOU MAKE ME LAUGH SO HARD! I read this, that you went back to the drugstore, to see “your girl”. I almost fell over laughing, THANK YOU SO MUCH for giving me such a good laugh. I even had a friend tell me he read one of our sessions, and you have others laughing as well.
You are priceless! So $500, that is such a great idea, why didn’t I think of this?
Yes you must do it!
We need another session, it has been a while, I have been posting all your sessions on my website.
Go to, and click the humiliation section at the top!
We must do a session soon, I will be on tonight if you want to chat!
- Good Masturbation Story !
Mandy Malone
Dear Little Pin Dick Teenie Weenie Tony.. the pathetic loser that you are… I am just fine, Sitting here laughing my ass off, looking at your little dick! The girl at the drugstore sent me the Picture. OMG,,, your little dick is so much smaller then you told me. She and all her friends called me on the phone, and told me to look on the net at your little dick. She says, she is going to make you pay her, to keep it up on the net, not to take it down! Also, I think you should wear some makeup for the next picture, and also, could you smile for the camera! Mandy xoxo’s
tw tony
Hi Princess how are you. I did as you told me and took a photo of my tiny little dick and gave it to the girl at the drugstore in an envolope. I put my phone number on the back. I left before she looked at it but she sent me a message later. She says she is going to email the picture to everyone she knows and said she will put it up on the net and make sure all my friends see it if i don’t pay her. You can see my face in the photo and everything so im a bit worried. She is blackmailing me. She said she is going to make sure everyone knows im a pethetic pindick if i don’t do everything she says. Im so embarrassed i don’t want too be put on the net and have my friends to see it. What should i do Princess?
Mandie Parker: hi tony
tony : How are you Princess
tony : Do you feel like humiliating me
Mandie Parker: but you are a little weenie loser lol
Mandie Parker: you know I have stats… I think you are quite popular on my blog
Mandie Parker: well do you want to cum for me now before I go?
Mandie Parker: what are you wearing?
tony : That’s alright
tony : Im naked Princess
Mandie Parker: oh oh
Mandie Parker: thats a sight
Mandie Parker: that little cute weener
Mandie Parker: make it squirt for me
Mandie Parker: or do you want to wait?
tony starks: I know my dick is so small. I can hardly see it. So embarrassing
Mandie Parker: it is
Mandie Parker: loser loser loser
Mandie Parker: you cant satisfy me with that little dick
Mandie Parker: ok, want to pump it
tony : I know Princess. I’d love to try
tony : You wouldn’t be able to feel it
Mandie Parker: ok well you can cum now or wait till tomorrow, cause I have to go
Mandie Parker: i will be around tomorrow tho
Mandie Parker: the painters are cuming its too late for me to stay
Mandie Parker: aww my sweet little dick Tony
Mandie Parker: want to wank and cum, now is your chance loser
Mandie Parker: come on
tony: Yes Princess
Mandie Parker: can you make your pin dick come?
Mandie Parker: or should i make you wait
Mandie Parker: counting
Mandie Parker: 10
Mandie Parker: 9
Mandie Parker: 8
Mandie Parker: 7
Mandie Parker: are you stroking
Mandie Parker: 6
Mandie Parker: 5
Mandie Parker: 4
Mandie Parker: 3
Mandie Parker: 2
tony : Yes im stroking
Mandie Parker: ok
Mandie Parker: can that little thing shoot?
Mandie Parker: i will give you 10 more
Mandie Parker: thats it
Mandie Parker: 10
Mandie Parker: 9
Mandie Parker: 8
Mandie Parker: 7
Mandie Parker: 6
Mandie Parker: 5
Mandie Parker: 4
Mandie Parker: 3
Mandie Parker: 2
tony : Im trying
Mandie Parker: ?
Mandie Parker: now this is fun
Mandie Parker: 10
Mandie Parker: 9
Mandie Parker: 8
tony : I haven’t cum yet
Mandie Parker: 7
Mandie Parker: 6
Mandie Parker: 5
Mandie Parker: loser
Mandie Parker: hahahha
Mandie Parker: 4
Mandie Parker: 3
Mandie Parker: 2
Mandie Parker: 1
Mandie Parker: they will love this on my blog
Mandie Parker: 10
Mandie Parker: 9
tony : I can’t perform under pressure Princess
tony : Can’t
Mandie Parker: aww
Mandie Parker: i will quit
tony : no
Mandie Parker: i thought this was humiliating
Mandie Parker: lol
tony : Yes Princess i love it Please keep teasing me
Mandie Parker: i have to go
Mandie Parker: this is my last time
Mandie Parker: 10
Mandie Parker: 9
Mandie Parker: 8
Mandie Parker: 7
Mandie Parker: ok
Mandie Parker: either you come now, or you have to wait till tomrrow
Mandie Parker: 6
Mandie Parker: 5
Mandie Parker: 4
tony : Im trying
Mandie Parker: pin
Mandie Parker: d
Mandie Parker: i
Mandie Parker: c
Mandie Parker: k
Mandie Parker: 3
Mandie Parker: are you close
tony : My dicks too small
Mandie Parker: it is
Mandie Parker: 2
Mandie Parker: 1
Mandie Parker: i have to go
Mandie Parker: you can’t cum under pressure … LOL HOW FUNNY a little dick can’t cum
tony : I couldn’t do it Princess
Mandie Parker: awww ok
Mandie Parker: tomorrow then
tony : Im so embarrassed
Mandie Parker: I will post this now
Mandie Parker: xoxoox
Mandie Parker: good night
tony : Good night