On line servitude and humiliation with Mandy

Would you like to serve me on line? Humiliation and orgasm denial

I have posted another teenie weenie tony’s message about his useless little dick, and I do enjoy humiliation and orgasm denial, for those of you wanting to serve me, you can apply to me online, by going to my sites, fetching my email, and writing to me.

tony : Hi Princess Mandy
Mandie Parker: hi
Mandie Parker: how r you
tony : Im here Princess just put on a pair of panties and heels for you
Mandie Parker: what color is your outfit
tony : Black Princess
tony : I look like a slut
tony : What do you have planned for me tonight Princess
tony : Shall i start by measureing my pindick for you
Mandie Parker: yes measure
Mandie Parker: phone
tony : It’s 3 and a half inches Princess. Im a pethetic pindick
tony : It looks like my pinky finger
Mandie Parker: do you need further humiliation?
tony : It’s so embarrassing
tony : I love the way women react when they see it Princess. I can always tell they want to laugh out loud. I go all red and embarrassed
Mandie Parker: did you wear your sock today? like a good little dicked weenie?
tony : Yes Princess. Looks like i grew a dick over night
tony : Im a good pindick boy. I do what im told
tony : Im going to go Princess Mandy. I won’t cum tonight either. Can we chat for a while tomorrow. I really want to be humiliated and drained. Will you have time to play
tony : Have a good night Princess

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