Loser Piggy Dan is now my loser pay piggie. I own and control him! Wag that tail piggie!

Had a fun session today with Loser Piggy Dan. Dan has been sending Ms. Mandy tribute’s as he is too pathetic to call me, he just pays me instead.  I like it of course. I don’t think I should have to give session’s to loser’s and of course Loser Piggy Dan qualifies here.  Pay Piggie Dan is now paying my monthly gym membership which is 89 dollars. So that is nice, then I made loser a custom audio he also paid for that.  He wants to be my human ATM!

I own and control loser piggy, I discussed him getting a part time job and giving me that money.

Mistress Mandy owns and controls Pay Piggie Dan!

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2 thoughts on “Loser Piggy Dan is now my loser pay piggie. I own and control him! Wag that tail piggie!

  1. Mandy Malone

    Loser, your chicklette looks like an anteater, you better send more money, as all my girlfriend’s are laughing their asses off, and will not look at more pics unless you do!  BTW… told you to write Mandy’s Loser Dick on that thing!  WITH MARKING PEN!  Make sure it does not  wash off loser!
    Ms. Mandy

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