WEDGIE TIME! Call Ms. Mandy for your phone sex humiliation at 1-877-732-6360

Your Girlfriend Experience
One of my little dick losers loves Ms. Mandy’s phone sex humiliation. I had loser Dweeb write me a little funny story, it’s down at the end of this post.
Wedgies for Loser Dweeb
dweeb: hello miss Mandy
Mandie Parker: hi loser
dweeb: i have missed you miss
Mandie Parker: how is my loser
Mandie Parker: and i am going to give you a good wedgie
Mandie Parker: right now
dweeb: yes miss
Mandie Parker: yank them up
Mandie Parker: now loser
dweeb: yes miss
dweeb: ow they are so high
dweeb: and i am still pulling
Mandie Parker: yank them
dweeb: yes maam
dweeb: i am yanking them
dweeb: oww it hurts
Mandie Parker: hang yourself up loser
dweeb: i am hung maam
Mandie Parker: ok, getting a call in a bit
Mandie Parker: but ok
Mandie Parker: you are such a dork
dweeb: am I
Mandie Parker: yes you are
dweeb: yes maam
dweeb: i am so hard
Mandie Parker: hahaha
Mandie Parker: cause
Mandie Parker: you
Mandie Parker: are
Mandie Parker: a
Mandie Parker: loser
Mandie Parker: loser
dweeb: yes miss you are so right
dweeb: aww my butt crack is burning so much
Mandie Parker: too bad
Mandie Parker: loser
dweeb: yes
dweeb: aww my underwear are fixing to rip
dweeb: lol all my under wear still have miss Mandy’s little dicked dweeb written in them
Mandie Parker: oh good
“dweeb: Mistress Mandy and was sitting alone bored one day. As she was sitting there she had an idea. She picked up the phone and made a call.
Miss Mandy- Yea loser get your ass over here now
She hangs up the phone. Ten minutes later her door bell rings and she goes to answer the door.
Miss Mandy- Your late geek
Dweeb- But Miss Man. .
Miss Mandy- I don’t wanna hear you excuses dork. Your gonna have to be punished for this one
Dweeb- Yes miss, I am sorry
Miss Mandy- I don’t care how sorry you are. Now lets see what do you deserve. Hmm. . . I’ve got it. How about a nice WEDGIE.
Dweeb- O miss Mandy please not again
Miss Mandy- to late for that. You should have been here sooner dweeb. Now take off your pants and bend over and grab you ankles LOSER.
The loser does as he is told. And bends over
dweeb: and Miss Mandy reaches down and grabs the losers underwear.
Miss Mandy- You are such a geek, and you are gonna get what a geek deserves
She pulls up an the underwear as hard as she can. She pulls and pulls and laughs and laughs. The whole time she is calling him names and telling him how worthless he is.
Miss Mandy- What a dork
She gives them one last huge pull and the underwear rip
Miss Mandy- Ha ha ha ha ha ha, What a little dick
the loser is standing there with about a three and a half inch boner. The loser blushes when he sees miss Mandy laughing
Miss Mandy- What don’t you stroke that little dorky dicky, ha ha ha
The loser starts stroking and because he is so turned on by the wedgie it only takes him a few min. to get close to cumming.
Miss Mandy- You wanna cum loser?”
Dweeb- Yes Miss
Miss Mandy- go ahead then geek
The loser cums and it exhausted. Then his dick shrivels up to even smaller. Miss Mandy laughs and picks up the nerds pants off the ground.
Miss Mandy- Ok geek you can go home now
The dork reaches for his pants
Miss Mandy- Nope, I think ill keep these and you can show the whole world what a little bitty dick you have. Ha ha. LOSER
The nerd does as he is told and leaves.
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