For those of you who do not read the comments over on my left column.. here is what teenie Tony has been talking bout… TOO funny, so I had to share…

“Hey Miss Mandy i had an interesting day today. I went and got a bikini wax. I thought if i got my pubic hair waxed my weenie would look bigger. It was really embarrassing the girl that waxed me was so hot. When i removed my pants i was wearing a little pink thong. She gave me the weirdest look. Then i pulled my panties down so see could apply …

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You all must checkout what Tony has been up to… he wrote me this the other day…

“Hey Miss Mandy i had an interesting day today. I went and got a bikini wax. I thought if i got my pubic hair waxed my weenie would look bigger. It was really embarrassing the girl that waxed me was so hot. When i removed my pants i was wearing a little pink thong. She gave me the weirdest look. Then i pulled my panties down so see could apply the wax and she couldn’t help but giggle when she sore how small i …

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Ok, for those of you who do not know, Tony is my lastest teeny weenie dicked, stroker boy…. look back in my blog to see some of my posts about him, here is what we talked about tonight….

tony: I wore my panties to work and stroked for you in the toilets. I was so horny all day thinking about what you would get me to do next. Can i stroke for you again tonight Miss Mandy
tony starks: Panties
tony : Have you written about me again on your blog Miss
Mandie Parker: you are supposed to look
Mandie Parker: i dont know
Mandie Parker: …

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Instructions for TEENY WEENIE TONY

Teenie Weenie Tony:
Tomorrow you are to go to the panty store, and tell the girls there you want to buy some panties for yourself, that your girlfriend INSISTS that you wear them for her.

You will pull the elastic out of your pants, and make sure people at the mall can see you walking with your thong string exposed.

You are to report back to me here tomorrow, with the events of the day, Now as for tonight
you can stroke your 2 inch clitty, but you are not allowed to cum, If you want to start begging now, maybe on the weekend …

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