On line servitude and humiliation with Mandy

Would you like to serve me on line? Humiliation and orgasm denial

I have posted another teenie weenie tony’s message about his useless little dick, and I do enjoy humiliation and orgasm denial, for those of you wanting to serve me, you can apply to me online, by going to my sites, fetching my email, and writing to me.

tony : Hi Princess Mandy
Mandie Parker: hi
Mandie Parker: how r you
tony : Im here Princess just put on a pair of panties and heels for you
Mandie Parker: what …

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My Friend D is back and have been having such fun! Weekend Special phone sex, $20 Dollars for 20 Minutes. Call Mandy 1-877-732-6360

I have my 20 dollars for $20 minutes of hot cock stroking and guided masturbation for tonight and this weekend, so be sure to get your cock hard and call MANDY
1-877-732-6360 …

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Teasing and Denial phone sex with Subby1 – Orgasm denial, chasity

Teasing and denial, is a fun game I love to play with my hubby. One of my on line devotees, is not engaging in some of my fun torture… I am going to post the session below. I know a lot of you, don’t really like the im’s I will be posting more about my cuckold thing with my husband shortly, I have been doing a lot of calls, as I am saving for a new car, I have been getting some nice tributes, Cucky Boyfriend has been contributing, and I am happy to say the wheels should be happening …

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