Blue Balls orgasm denial phone sex slut – call Ms. Mandy for chastity training 1-877-732-6360

 Blue balls has returned and told me his girlfriend left him cause I told him no sex, cause he needs to stay chaste.  She left him, because she asked him why. He made up an excuse, told her he was not ready.  No cumming for him…

He told me that  he is full of cum. Cumming is bad for him. No sex, no cumming, says he is really hard. Says he wanted sex badly – but NO sex for him.  Total orgasm denial phone sex , and chastity.
Now it has been 63 days, we are going 78 days then I raised it to 80.  He does not get another raise this week in days, because he broke up with girlfriend. Bumping down to 79 days… because he is a
“good boy”…
I am brainwashing, and mind fucking, and programming him,  He is under MY total control. I own and control, that thing between your legs…
Give me some strokes.. I have him count out 10 strokes…
Begging for more denial  days… 90 days now….tells me balls are full and heavy ALL the time.. thanking me for brainwashing him…

New assignment is to look for a new girl.. and see how long it is, before she dumps you!


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